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Lake Rules

Please slow down in the No Wake Zone! Slow no-wake is "operation of a watercraft at the slowest possible speed necessary to maintain steerage, but in no case greater than five miles per hour." Producing no white rolling wake anywhere from bow to stern" as their practical definition. The no wake zones were created to help to reduce shoreline erosion and property damage in constricted areas as well as promoting safety in the narrow areas where boats may be in close proximity to shorelines and each other.

idle zone bouy

Learn About The Lake

Every lake, river, or other body of water is unique and Raccoon Lake is no exception.

If you stay about 200 feet away from shore in most places you are in deep water. However, if you go near Portland Mills or far into the idle zone near the campground the lake get's particularly shallow and very dangerous. Boaters should be aware of these areas, avoiding them to lessen the risk of prop damage.

 Boaters new to the lake can learn more

about the lake contours from the boat rental crew. 


Flooding and natural erosion can cause trees to become obstacles in the waterways. Additionally, trees along the banks can become low

hanging obstacles to boaters and skiers. Boaters should be

watchful for these hazards, and point them out to passengers and



There are maps of the lake with general descriptions of lake areas located at the boat rental. Since it is impossible to pinpoint

every hazard, boaters should always be alert to changes in



Raccoon Lake Map

Night Boating

Cruises on our lake at night are great! It’s cool and breezy,

and the waterfront lights add a nice ambiance. But there are also risks.

• It is illegal and extremely dangerous to be on the water at night without operating both front red and green lights AND a rear white light. Lights should be checked before getting underway to ensure they are not only functional but also bright enough to be seen.

Serious damage and injuries can result when an approaching boat runs up on another in the dark.

• A speed of no more than 10 mph is recommended.

• Constantly scan for other boat traffic, debris, slower traffic, and even boats with no lights. Be prepared to react if it appears other boaters do not see you.

• It is illegal for PWC’s to operate at night.

• It is illegal to ski and tube at night.


fishing pole


Residents and visitors must work together, so that all activities can be enjoyed on the lake.

Courtesy and respect towards all users of the lake goes a long way in giving Raccoon Lake a friendly atmosphere.


 Throwing fishing lines onto people’s waterfronts is dangerous. Hooks can be left stuck in or on a dock causing potential injury to people, pets, and wild animals.


 Throwing fishing lines in the path way of boats or skiers is dangerous.


Lines can do serious damage to a person or a boat. Fishing rods can be pulled into the lake and lost if entangled in a passing boat.

Fishing lines should not be left unattended.


 Boaters and skiers should be courteous to those fishing by reducing wakes, moving away from fishing lines, and not spraying those fishing. Those fishing should also try to stay out of the middle of the lake and close to shore or in the idle zone areas.



Check out our Safety Page!
Check out our Safety Page!

Learn more about safety for:

Watersports, PWC, Tubing, Skiing

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